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Alt 13.01.2012, 09:16   #1
Erfahrenes Mitglied
Benutzerbild von rs
Registriert seit: 19.11.2003
Ort: noe
Fahrzeug: 325ic/30,318/30,golf6cabr,bmwz3,bmw 2800 e36316
Standard Beifahrerairbag z3 1998 deaktivieren?

hallo, hätte jemand eine ahnung wie genau das machbar wäre ?

brauche es für einen bekannten -

danke rs
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Alt 13.01.2012, 10:59   #2
Benutzerbild von Erich
Registriert seit: 19.07.2002
Ort: Joso
Fahrzeug: E32 750iL 11/88

In USA baut BMW unter gewissen Umstaenden on/off Schalter ein:

On November 18th 1997, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) issued a regulation which allows the installation of an airbag on-off switch on all vehicles equipped with FRONT airbags as of January 19, 1998 as long as the owner/operator or passenger falls into one of four risk groups. The risk group definition and owner responsibilities are listed in Attachment 2 .

On-Off switches

Customers are often misinformed when making a decision whether to install, or not to install, an airbag on/off switch.

In order for your customer to make a better informed decision, BMW recommends the customer reads "Need an Airbag On/Off Switch? Probably Not", published by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

The leaflets may be obtained free of charge from:

Insurance Institute for Highway Safety

1005 N. Glebe Rd.

Arlington, VA 22201


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Installation of Airbag On-Off Switch*

The rule enables owners to obtain NHTSA's approval for the installation of an airbag on-off switch (driver or passenger side or both) if they certify that they fall into one of four risk groups.

People who must transport infants in a rear-facing child seat in the front seat.

People who must transport children up to 12 in front seat. (e.g. Soccer Mom)

Driver who cannot keep 10 inches between the center of the steering wheel airbag cover and chest (center of breastbone).

People with medical condition that places them at specific risk, based on a physician's advice.

Procedure for customer to obtain on-off switch:

Read NHTSA information brochure and request form. Both can be obtained from NHTSA. NHTSA also sent letters (with brochures and forms) to 24,000 Retailers and new car dealer associations in December 1997.

Fill out request form and forward to NHTSA. Starting Dec.18, 1997 NHTSA will process requests.

NHTSA will send approval letter to customer.

Customer takes letter to retailer or repair business to have switch installed.

Starting Jan. 19, 1998, retailer or repair business is allowed to install switches.

Retailer or repair business must provide customer with insert for owner's manual describing purpose and risk associated with switch. Retailer or repair business must send installation confirmation to NHTSA.

*BMW offers a front passenger airbag on-off switch for: Z3 roadsters, M roadsters, Z3 coupes, and M coupes manufactured up to April of 1999.
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Alt 13.01.2012, 15:07   #3
Erfahrenes Mitglied
Benutzerbild von rs
Registriert seit: 19.11.2003
Ort: noe
Fahrzeug: 325ic/30,318/30,golf6cabr,bmwz3,bmw 2800 e36316

danke erich, schauen wir mal...

grüße rs
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