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Alt 10.02.2021, 14:48   #1
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Benutzerbild von ewoody
Registriert seit: 12.09.2008
Ort: Binz
Fahrzeug: BMW M760e 05/23 Carbonschwarz, BMW M760e 03/23 Tansanitblau
Standard G70 News

Ein paar interessante News betreffend dem G70 (Angaben ohne Gewähr)

2022 7 Series (G70) Info - Production Dates, Models, Features Externer Link (&Ooml;ffnet in neuem Fenster, der Forumsbetreiber distanziert sich vom Inhalt extern verlinkter Seiten.)

"G70 Production Dates:

July 2022 - June 2029 (LCI SOP: March 2026)


G70 7 Series steps up the luxury big time. Start with standard air suspension, soft close doors, B&W audio. But options is where the real action is.

Choice of M Sport or Luxury interior and exterior design
Fully automatic doors like in the new Phantom
Sky Lounge roof
Totally new headlights, with the same "Iconic Glow" designation as the stupid X6 grille. That grille will be available too of course.
Rear seats equal in comfort to the front ones (heating/ventilation, massaging) in Executive Lounge configuration, plus rear entertainment that's better than the old "shut up, here's an iPad screen in the headrest for you".
Same "Natural Interaction" thing as in iX.
Even more better version of B&W audio.
A new driver assist package called "Motorway assistant".
A whole bunch of BMW Individual customizations

Models - Preliminary (likely incomplete):

735d, 740i, 745e, M750e, i740, i750, i7 M60, with only 735d and i740 being RWD, all others AWD. Note that this is another proof of BMW rejecting the use of battery capacity in its EV model names."
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