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Alt 11.08.2008, 15:46   #1
Neues Mitglied
Registriert seit: 18.02.2007
Ort: Leka, Norway
Fahrzeug: E32-750iAL (05.89), E34-535iA (03.89)
Standard TÜV for an older BMW ?

Sorry my German is not very good in writing.

I have an 100% original E34 535iA that I want to get registered in Norway. It was bought in Germany, and I had it registered in Sweden while I was living there. There was no problem getting it into Sweden.

However to get it registered in Norway I need a TÜV paper which states the emission levels, which standard the brakes comply to, that the seatbelts are approved etc.

Is there any online service, or service in Germany I can contact to obtain such TüV paper for my E34 535iA ? Any help would be much appriciated.

03/89 535iA @ 207.000km
05/89 750iAL @ 187.000km
12/90 750iAL @ 218.000km & passed away...
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Alt 11.08.2008, 16:11   #2
Benutzerbild von Erich
Registriert seit: 19.07.2002
Ort: Joso
Fahrzeug: E32 750iL 11/88


when you bought the car in Germany, did you get any papers from the seller, such as the Kraftfahrzeubrief and TUV certificates? If so, then you have the name of the area hwere the car was last registed. You might contact these Zulassungstellen, if they can help with old documents, here are all German Zulassungsstellen listed with complete contact addresses
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Alt 11.08.2008, 16:35   #3
Neues Mitglied
Registriert seit: 18.02.2007
Ort: Leka, Norway
Fahrzeug: E32-750iAL (05.89), E34-535iA (03.89)


I got the Kraftfahrzeubrief but no TUV papers as they are not required in Sweden I didnt think much about it.

Ive tried to contact BMW Germany but they probably want a lot of money for the paper. BMW Norway at least wanted quite a bit for it. I will see where it was registered last and contact them to see if they can issue something from that list you gave me. But that is probably not quite what I was looking for. It is more a factory TUV approval of the vehicle.

I also emailed and to see if they could send the paper.

But thanks anyways!
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Alt 11.08.2008, 21:50   #4
< Kaffee klauen >
Benutzerbild von highlander
Registriert seit: 25.03.2007
Fahrzeug: ford

To get TÜV papers (copys) you need to know by which TÜV (MOT) did it, when the car was registered in Germany.

which states the emission levels, which standard the brakes comply to, that the seatbelts are approved etc.
But i don´t think it will help you getting the copys because what you need are the factory facts on the car which are not included in TÜV forms.
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Alt 12.08.2008, 14:09   #5
Neues Mitglied
Registriert seit: 18.02.2007
Ort: Leka, Norway
Fahrzeug: E32-750iAL (05.89), E34-535iA (03.89)

Thank you all.

I have found out that the paper I need is a "ECE Bestätigung" certificate. I have contacted BMW Germany which is going to try and help me, as well as TüV Nord in Hannover which is also supposed to be able to issue such a paper for me.

Hopefully this is an easy task. And once the Norwegian registration office gets the paper they can send us our new license plates
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