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Alt 01.02.2004, 16:22   #1
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Registriert seit: 01.02.2004
Ort: London, Ontario, Kanada
Fahrzeug: 2015 740Ld xDrive, 2015 535d xDrive
Standard Gummi Fußmatten

Ich galube, daß viele Mitglieder genug Englisch sprechen um diesen Post zu verstehen, sonst übersetze ich ihn.


Rubber floor mats are a big deal, when you live where we live, here in Canada and one has to put up with the snow and ice.

Years ago, Mercedes-Benz supplied me with snow mats, that were very well fitted, had a raised boarder and pronounced raised squares all over. If you entered the car with snowy boots, the snow would melt and run onto the mat. All water was trapped. If the car was parked in cold areas, the water would freeze and all you had to do, was, to remove the mat and bent it backward and all the ice cubes would fall out. The mats were absolutely perfect. Did I mention that they had a lip that would cover the left dead pedal and no water ever was found under the mats.

Now I get these BMW mats for my new BMW X5 and 745i, they looks great, have all cut outs for the gas pedal and the dead pedal, small recessed squares that flatten out, when you use them and they are absolutely useless.
Now to have these mats sold by BMW, as a factory tested accessory, it takes two complete idiots to marked these mats. The manufacturer who makes these useless mats and BMW who sells these useless mats to their customers. I just took one look and I knew they were absolutely useless.

Why can't BMW come up with a rubber floor mat that traps the melted snow water and makes it easy to remove and clean. This got to be the most useless accessory, you can buy, at BMW and I can't understand how the parts people can buy these useless mats and sell them to their customers.

To solve the problem, take the complete idiot in charge of procurement, let him put his useless mats in the car, I get in and out 50 times and he has to clean up every time I get out of the car. I bet you, after one day of exercise, we will have perfect mats.

BMW these useless mats are diminishing the enjoyment of driving a BMW in areas with snow and ice. How can you be so stupid. Tell the mat manufacturer to call me, I will have him clued in in about 5 Minutes.

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