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BMW 7er, Modell E32
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Alt 30.01.2004, 05:13   #1
Benutzerbild von Erich
Registriert seit: 19.07.2002
Ort: Joso
Fahrzeug: E32 750iL 11/88
Standard Welches Motoroel - die Glaubensfrage (mal wieder)

Im US Forum ist - wie auch bei uns oefter - mal wieder eine Diskussion im Gange, welches Oel, semi oder ganz Synth etc.
Habe da einen Beitrag von Johan gefunden, den ich sehr bemerkenswert finde. Er geht bei der Auswahl des Oels zurueck auf das Entwicklungsdatum unserer Motoren. Haben ja auch schon einige geschrieben hier in den Diskussionen, aber habe das einmal hier kopiert. Auch seine Aussagen auf Tests in Motorrevision sind interessant.

Just a few thoughts

You have to decide which oil to use yourself. Don't use some oil becasue someone tells you to. Have a look around the internet and learn what the difference is between all the oils. Everybody has a different car that has been treated differently. So everybody will have a different opinion on what oil to use. Some people even use oil aditives (but let's not start that discusion again).

Just a few pointers to stick to or ignore:
- Why change to a different type of oil? If it works stick to it.
- Expensive oils aren't always better.
- BMW build the engine what do they have to say?
- Synthetic or not stick to the service interval.
- Always change the filter with the oil.
- Use the proper grade as mentioned in the car's manual.
- The M30 is from ca. 1978 while the M70 v12 is from ca.1986 and the M60 from ca. 1992. So they are different to use different oils.
- When you do change from mineral to synthetic flush the system.

I recently saw this website of an engine rebuild company in germany (Externer Link (&Ooml;ffnet in neuem Fenster, der Forumsbetreiber distanziert sich vom Inhalt extern verlinkter Seiten.) The M20/M30 engines that where run on syntetic usually come in around 160k-180k km. Engines run on regular 15w40 oil seem to come in aorund 250k-320k km. Again this is someone opinion....

I run Castrol 10w40 semi-synthetic (what's in a name) in my 735. It seems to be ok with strange noises, no leaks and an unnoticable oil consumption between service intervals. I live near germany so it still get driven at speed over 200km/h. And again this is someones opinion...

1987 735iA

[Bearbeitet am 30.1.2004 um 18:33 von Erich]
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