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BMW 7er, Modell E38
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Alt 12.04.2006, 20:42   #1
ehemals Gerard_Dirks
Registriert seit: 29.07.2002
Ort: Knonau (Schweiz)
Fahrzeug: BMW 750iL (E38, 06/2001) 181tKm
Standard Neues iPod Interface von BMW


Habe gerade gelesen das es ein neues iPod Interface für den iPod geben sol das ab Juli 2006 zur verfügung stehen wird.

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BMW offers new BMW Interface for iPod
BMW today announced the debut of a new BMW Interface for iPod that will enable seamless integration of the iPod for the newest generation of BMW models. The new BMW Interface for iPod, supporting iPod sorting functions, will be available for owners of the new BMW 3 Series Sedans and Sports Wagons as well as the 5, 6, and 7 Series. It will also be available for the new M5 Sedan and M6 Coupe. The BMW iPod interface will "enable audiophiles to bring their entire music collections with them, plug directly and effortlessly into a superior sound system while maintaining uncompromised control over their driving experience. Since the new Interface is compatible with SIRIUS satellite radio as well as the recently introduced HD Radio, owners will be able to enjoy a broad selection of high fidelity broadcast music sources as well."

The company said that the original BMW iPod Adapter will continue to be available for 2002 and later BMW models: X3, X5, Z4, and previous generation 3 Series.

The new Interface will allow users to incorporate their iPods directly into their car's sound system, but will allow users to sort their music according to their own playlists, as well as by artist, album, genre, podcast, and finally, a random selection of 500 songs from the user library. Artist, album, and song title will appear in the Display Monitor.

Users will be able to control their music through their existing audio system and the multifunction steering wheel. The new BMW Interface for iPod will offer access to the entire music library as well as the ability to shuffle songs, skip between tracks and adjust volume -- without any loss of sound quality or driving control, according to BMW.

The new Interface is compatible with all iPods with a dock connector, including the iPod nano and the fifth generation iPod. The BMW iPod Interfaces integrate the iPod through a direct connection in the BMW glovebox, providing hihg fidelity sound quality and constant power to the iPod, while allowing users to store their iPod in tne protected glove compartment.

The new BMW iPod Interface will be available for customers to purchase at BMW centers beginning in July 2006. Pricing has not been determined.
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