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BMW 7er, Modell E23
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Alt 17.01.2017, 21:51   #1
Neues Mitglied
Benutzerbild von lipaa1
Registriert seit: 19.06.2013
Ort: Sankt-Petersburg
Fahrzeug: BMW 7er E23 Mai 1982\Passat B5.5 V6 4 motion
Standard change the gearbox

Hello,dear fans of BMW
Many years had passed,or rather 5,as I began to revive my E23.
It is almost completed,it remains only to change the gearbox(Getrag 265),clutch kit,driveshaft, and rear beam bushings. Yes,still put the LSD in the rear gear
Tomorrow begins the dismantling of the old parts,I will try to do a photo and the story step by step,suddenly someone come in handy!
Thank you for your attention!
Angehängte Grafiken
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Geändert von lipaa1 (17.01.2017 um 21:56 Uhr).
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Alt 17.01.2017, 22:03   #2
Allround Dilettant
Benutzerbild von oetti
Registriert seit: 07.12.2004
Ort: Hamburch
Fahrzeug: E23 Alpina B9, E32 Alpina B11 Nr.30, E32 746 Alpina 4,6, Z3 1,9, E46 Touring, Maserati Quattroporte III mit BMW M70 V12.

Hy, well that was a long way for you, but now there seems to be an end in sight. And the E23 comes back into the street, how long has he been standing?
Wer niemals vom Weg abkommt, bleibt auf der Strecke!
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Alt 18.01.2017, 17:28   #3
Percy 2016
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Registriert seit: 26.10.2016
Ort: Auetal OT Antendorf
Fahrzeug: E23 732ia (06.1980)
Standard change the gearbox

Hi lipaa1,
I´m quite astonished to find an E23 friend in St.Petersburg
Last year I rebuilt an E23 as well, and can imagine, that you in contrast to me, have propably problems , to get spare parts.
But it seems that you have everything together. If you still need something special, send a message and we will try to help.
Best wishes Bernd from Germany
Percy 2016 ist offline   Antwort Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 18.01.2017, 21:21   #4
Neues Mitglied
Benutzerbild von lipaa1
Registriert seit: 19.06.2013
Ort: Sankt-Petersburg
Fahrzeug: BMW 7er E23 Mai 1982\Passat B5.5 V6 4 motion

Zitat von oetti Beitrag anzeigen
Hy, well that was a long way for you, but now there seems to be an end in sight. And the E23 comes back into the street, how long has he been standing?

Before me about 6 years old I drove during the tenure of all 2000-3000 km
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Alt 18.01.2017, 21:28   #5
Neues Mitglied
Benutzerbild von lipaa1
Registriert seit: 19.06.2013
Ort: Sankt-Petersburg
Fahrzeug: BMW 7er E23 Mai 1982\Passat B5.5 V6 4 motion

Zitat von Percy 2016 Beitrag anzeigen
Hi lipaa1,
I´m quite astonished to find an E23 friend in St.Petersburg
Last year I rebuilt an E23 as well, and can imagine, that you in contrast to me, have propably problems , to get spare parts.
But it seems that you have everything together. If you still need something special, send a message and we will try to help.
Best wishes Bernd from Germany
Many thanks
In Russia, you can buy new parts. You can buy a "contract" details. You can buy e23 entirely on the details
That's how we live. Sometimes I buy E-bay. But hardly anyone in Germany makes the delivery in Russia, one can understand
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Alt 18.01.2017, 21:47   #6
Neues Mitglied
Benutzerbild von lipaa1
Registriert seit: 19.06.2013
Ort: Sankt-Petersburg
Fahrzeug: BMW 7er E23 Mai 1982\Passat B5.5 V6 4 motion

So, I start the repair
Good evening!
Started today at nine o'clock, I finished about 14, with a few distractions in the immediate work
All operations were carried out at the pit with a minimum set of tools and single-handedly. ASE helped me board.
First of all, the muffler removed. Fortunately put it recently, all was calm.
Unscrew the six nuts 13 in a single place-pants Glushak connection. Bolts held the key to 12. Or head who has what.
Then he unscrewed the bottom of the back yoke. The board planted at the rear bank and took the gum with medium banks. All substitute its own ridge and pulls off this piece of iron with a reception pipe. On the floor it.
Now cardan. A pair of keys 19 for the coupling bolts. On average 13 to support. Again, the board helps cardan falls on it. It remains to unscrew 4 screws that secure the cardan gear to the shank. If not mistaken, there are 17 ring spanner. Remove the universal joint, bear comparison with those that have left and wonder.
The front part odinakovye.Zadnie slightly different, which in theory should be not. Do not care, no options, it is still going to put my other universal joint for some tired.
Next come the half-line. Make sure you first need to clean the bolts from nabivsheysya dirt, or hexagon can easily rip the faces provernuvshis.
The last thing for today was the removal of the gearbox. There is also more or less just, the key cap 19 for the top two bolts. The head 19 to lower. And bolt to the support.
Previously not forget to substitute any board or support under the gearbox, or a little fall. All photographed.
The following is a comparison of the regular gear with reduktoromLSD. They used ... be, different. Differences in the rear of the housing and the lid respectively.
To be continued tomorrow, take off the rocker, the box and the clutch
All the while!

P.S.I apologize for my "English", I use a translator online
If suddenly you are interested, I cite a reference to the board of my car magazine on the site
Externer Link (&Ooml;ffnet in neuem Fenster, der Forumsbetreiber distanziert sich vom Inhalt extern verlinkter Seiten.)

Thank you all for your interest and your time
Angehängte Grafiken
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Alt 18.01.2017, 22:23   #7
Allround Dilettant
Benutzerbild von oetti
Registriert seit: 07.12.2004
Ort: Hamburch
Fahrzeug: E23 Alpina B9, E32 Alpina B11 Nr.30, E32 746 Alpina 4,6, Z3 1,9, E46 Touring, Maserati Quattroporte III mit BMW M70 V12.

Well then welcome to the circle of reawakeners, Sleeping Beauty Drivers. Bernds E23 (Perci) stood for 16 years in a garage and my E23 B9 Alpina stood 14 years forgotten in a Berlin underground car park.
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Alt 19.01.2017, 05:49   #8
Neues Mitglied
Benutzerbild von lipaa1
Registriert seit: 19.06.2013
Ort: Sankt-Petersburg
Fahrzeug: BMW 7er E23 Mai 1982\Passat B5.5 V6 4 motion

Here a little differently, pictured in the profile can be seen in what condition I got a car!
I do not think you bought a car in this state 😁
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Alt 19.01.2017, 07:32   #9
Benutzerbild von Erich
Registriert seit: 19.07.2002
Ort: Joso
Fahrzeug: E32 750iL 11/88

In case you need the workshop manual, tightening torques, nominal values, here is a link Externer Link (&Ooml;ffnet in neuem Fenster, der Forumsbetreiber distanziert sich vom Inhalt extern verlinkter Seiten.)
wiring diagrams are here, note: US version
Externer Link (&Ooml;ffnet in neuem Fenster, der Forumsbetreiber distanziert sich vom Inhalt extern verlinkter Seiten.) E23 (1982 to 1986 7 Series) Wiring Diagrams
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Alt 19.01.2017, 21:55   #10
Neues Mitglied
Benutzerbild von lipaa1
Registriert seit: 19.06.2013
Ort: Sankt-Petersburg
Fahrzeug: BMW 7er E23 Mai 1982\Passat B5.5 V6 4 motion

Vielen Dank!
Solche Links, habe ich nicht gesehen!
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