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BMW 7er, Modell E23
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Alt 29.03.2003, 19:17   #1
Standard Wiring diagram for electronic ignition module on 1979 728

Sorry I have to write in English but the German I took at school is long gone. I live in Texas but am French and still own a 1979 (November 78) 728 stored in France. A nasty rodent ate up the harness that goes to the resistors/Bosch electronic ignition module/coil. The only diagram I could find in Texas was for a 735i (the 728 was not imported in the States) and I ended up with nonmatching connections (one wire too many, I guess)
Would someone have access to that kind of diagram?
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
Greetings from Houston and thanks for your hospitality on this great forum.
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Alt 31.03.2003, 11:06   #2
Kein Lenkrad
inaktiv, keine gültige e-Mail
Registriert seit: 13.04.2002
Ort: Cirencester, Royal Gloucestershire, England
Fahrzeug: 732iA (E23); 735iA (E32); 645ci (E64); VW1200; VW T3; AMG A210, HD-Sporster 1000 XLH (Ironhead)

Hi Fornage,
I have a original BMW Workshop Repair Manual for your Model in English.
About 800 glossy pages with photos and everything your heart desires in it.
It covers 728, 730 and 733.
The price I want for it is or £100 (€150) (US$150) + carriage of course.
If you need further info on this item. Let me know.

Best Regards

Salut Fornage,
J'ai un BMW Réparation Manuel original pour ton Modèle en anglais.
Approximativement 800 pages lustrées avec des photos et tout que ton coeur désire dedans.
Il couvre 728, 730 et 733.
Le prix que je veux pour le manuel est £100 (€150) (US$150) + charge de l'affranchissement.
Si tu a besoin d'info supplémentaire sur cet manuel. Laisse moi savoir.

Meilleures Amitiés

Hallo Fornage,

Ich habe ein englisches, originales BMW-Werkstatt Reparatur Handbuch für Dein Modell.
Ungefähr 800 Hochglanz Seiten mit Fotos und allem was Dein Herz begehrt drin.
Es deckt 728, 730 und 733 bis zum ca. 1981 ab.
Der Preis ist £100 (€150) (US$150) + Portogebühr.
Wenn Du weiteres Info brauchst, lassen es mich wissen.

Beste Grüße
Kein Lenkrad ist offline   Antwort Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 31.03.2003, 11:40   #3
Benutzerbild von Erich
Registriert seit: 19.07.2002
Ort: Joso
Fahrzeug: E32 750iL 11/88
Standard B

something to download from here. Externer Link (&Ooml;ffnet in neuem Fenster, der Forumsbetreiber distanziert sich vom Inhalt extern verlinkter Seiten.) It's for E 23
I think best is to buy the complete manual from Ralf. Then you have it all for the future. The price is very good/reasonable.
Besides, your car is still in France and not in USA, let them have it repaired in France or Germany before you move it to Texas. And also buy some spare parts.
Remember the names "shogun" gave you in another Forum.
Erich ist offline   Antwort Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 01.04.2003, 02:13   #4

Dear Ralf,
I am still struggling my way through the German instructions on this site and hope that this answer will go through..
I am extremely interested by your offer. The critical question is: Does this manual include the ignition wiring diagram of the 1979 728 (not 728i)? This is all I am really interested in at this point. If so, how do we proceed from here. Can I have your e-mail address?

Orginal gepostet von Kein Lenkrad
Hi Fornage,
I have a original BMW Workshop Repair Manual for your Model in English.
About 800 glossy pages with photos and everything your heart desires in it.
It covers 728, 730 and 733.
The price I want for it is or £100 (€150) (US$150) + carriage of course.
If you need further info on this item. Let me know.

Best Regards

Salut Fornage,
J'ai un BMW Réparation Manuel original pour ton Modèle en anglais.
Approximativement 800 pages lustrées avec des photos et tout que ton coeur désire dedans.
Il couvre 728, 730 et 733.
Le prix que je veux pour le manuel est £100 (€150) (US$150) + charge de l'affranchissement.
Si tu a besoin d'info supplémentaire sur cet manuel. Laisse moi savoir.

Meilleures Amitiés

Hallo Fornage,

Ich habe ein englisches, originales BMW-Werkstatt Reparatur Handbuch für Dein Modell.
Ungefähr 800 Hochglanz Seiten mit Fotos und allem was Dein Herz begehrt drin.
Es deckt 728, 730 und 733 bis zum ca. 1981 ab.
Der Preis ist £100 (€150) (US$150) + Portogebühr.
Wenn Du weiteres Info brauchst, lassen es mich wissen.

Beste Grüße
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Alt 01.04.2003, 03:09   #5
Kein Lenkrad
inaktiv, keine gültige e-Mail
Registriert seit: 13.04.2002
Ort: Cirencester, Royal Gloucestershire, England
Fahrzeug: 732iA (E23); 735iA (E32); 645ci (E64); VW1200; VW T3; AMG A210, HD-Sporster 1000 XLH (Ironhead)
Standard Wiring Diagrams are for

728/728A, 730/730A, 733i/733iA

It appears that the last Alterations to pages, before the print date were in Jan 78.
Tis Ringbinder had updates whenever there were some before the changeover to newer E23 version.

Klick here to send me mail

@ Fish. If you're telling me it's to cheap, I should stick it on Ebay

MfG Ralf
Kein Lenkrad ist offline   Antwort Mit Zitat antworten

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