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BMW 7er, Modell E38
 interner Link 12-Zylinder-Benziner
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Alt 04.04.2024, 03:56   #11
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Registriert seit: 22.11.2023
Ort: San Jose
Fahrzeug: 2000 750iL

I did a few more things today:
1. Tested triggering the right shocks two valves with the same 4.5 volts and 1 amp. I "think" i could hear one valve trigger, but not the other. I will try with a higher voltage tomorrow - maybe 6v.
2. Did a continuity test on the three bare wires on the left, broken shock. Testing between each of the bar wires to see if there was contact inside the rest of the covered wire. I made the mistake of not thinking about what Ohms the continuity buzzer would go off at. So connecting any one wire to any other wire showed "continuity", which was puzzling. I thought i had a short in the wires inside the rest of the covered wire or in the shock itself. Of course i did not have a true short. When i switched to reading the actual Ohms, i got 3.6 ohms from the positive of each valve to ground (which is the correct reading), and about 6.7 Ohms between the two positives - which makes sense, since the path taken is from one positive terminal, thru the coil, then to the common ground, then back through the second coil and to the other positive terminal. So, the resistance between the two positive terminals should be about double what one coil shows.

Plan tomorrow is to try to trigger the valves with about 6v, and then to cover the bare wires with liquid tape, then wrap them up with normal tape, and then clear codes and drive. And see what happens...

Geändert von andrewgrhogg (04.04.2024 um 04:05 Uhr).
andrewgrhogg ist offline   Antwort Mit Zitat antworten

edc, shocks

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