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BMW 7er, Modell E38
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Alt 25.04.2003, 17:14   #1
B12 5.7 Lang
Standard Can you change speakers when you have DSP?

I´m planning tp change the orginal HiFi System Professional DSP with new speakers and amplifiers.
Is that possible, i tried to search the board but my deutch is as bad as like Saddams breath
Have anyone done it? It´s a Alpina B12 5.7 Lang -98...and don´t worry, i won´t modify the interior.

Thanks in advance!

Kind Regards
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Alt 25.04.2003, 17:49   #2
Benutzerbild von Erich
Registriert seit: 19.07.2002
Ort: Joso
Fahrzeug: E32 750iL 11/88
Standard Hi Stephan

can't answer your questions. But had a look at your homepage. Nicely made and the car in excellent condition.
What is the range of the Ladedruck?Externer Link (&Ooml;ffnet in neuem Fenster, der Forumsbetreiber distanziert sich vom Inhalt extern verlinkter Seiten.) 
I just looked at this pic
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Alt 25.04.2003, 18:51   #3
Registriert seit: 01.03.2003
Ort: Niederbayern
Fahrzeug: 730d


as far as I know, it is possible to change the speakers, but you cannot change the amp, because, it is the heart of your DSP. The Digital Sound Processor and the amplifiers are a unit. Maybe you can seperate the digital preamp from the power amps and replace them by amps of your choice. But if your knowledge in electronics is as bad as your German (or as small as the IQ of G.W.Bush *ggggg*) you should better be off and never ever touch the viscera of your BMW. ;-)..... apart from that, best reagards


Ps.: Listen to the sound of your car, not to music. Your Baby should have more sexappeal in its 12 cylinders than Britney Spears in her blouse. *gggg*
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Alt 28.04.2003, 07:13   #4
B12 5.7 Lang

Originally posted by Erich
can't answer your questions. But had a look at your homepage. Nicely made and the car in excellent condition.
What is the range of the Ladedruck?Externer Link (&Ooml;ffnet in neuem Fenster, der Forumsbetreiber distanziert sich vom Inhalt extern verlinkter Seiten.) 
I just looked at this pic

The range is 0.4 to 0.8 overboost and that means 300-360 PS. (depending on the outside temp)


I´ll usually listen to the enginemusig but my girlfriend doesn´t like that as much as i do...
Do you have some recommendations regarding speakers, because normally you use filters but i guess BMW´s speakerfilters is in the DSP, correct?

Thanks again,

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