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BMW 7er, Modell E38
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Alt 28.04.2004, 14:01   #1
Registriert seit: 03.06.2002
Fahrzeug: BMW 750i E38 BJ 1994
Standard Wer hat alles Tankprobleme mit dem E38? Rückruf E38?

z.B. Tank Verformung, Benzin läuft aus, Tankanzeige geht falsch etc
Ich denke da an die BMW Benutzer mit einem Stahltank wie z.B. der BMW 750

Es geht um das Problem das im E38 eine beuartbedingte zu startke Tankentlüftung eingebaut ist die den STAHL! Benzintank im Falle einer Störung dauerhaft bschädigt bis zum Tankbruch!!!!


[Bearbeitet am 28.4.2004 um 14:09 von Olaf]

[Bearbeitet am 28.4.2004 um 14:56 von Olaf]
Olaf ist offline   Antwort Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 28.04.2004, 14:57   #2
Registriert seit: 03.06.2002
Fahrzeug: BMW 750i E38 BJ 1994

> > "Allan Schiller" <> wrote in message
> > news:0%w07.46916$ ..
> > > Last month my 96 740il gas tank imploded and cracked discharging the
> > > contents of the tank onto the street. Yes, its hard to believe, but BMW gas
> > > tanks are flimsy enough to resemble crushed soda cans through nothing more
> > > than normal operation.
> > >
> > > After multiple levels of denial BMW corporate has acknowledged that a
> > > systemic problem exists with the ventilation system in these tanks and that
> > > the combination of any clog in the vent coupled with the pull from the fuel
> > > pump will create enough negative pressure to collapse the tank and crack it.
> > > As the tank is made out of plastic, it is flexible to a point, but beyond
> > > that it will crack and discharge its contents in a steadly and potentially
> > > deadly stream of gasoline.
> > >
> > > DRIVERS BEWARE!!! since the gas streams out of the rear of the car (and
> > > potentially in small quantities) you may not even be aware its leaking until
> > > someone throws a cigarette butt out their window at your next red light.
> > >
> > > If you or anyone you know has had their gas tank replaced on their BMW and
> > > was told that the tank was damaged due to a foreign object hitting it, (a
> > > sidewalk, curb or manhole cover for example) than it is very likely that you
> > > have been lied to. BMW has maintained a very low profile in this matter and
> > > short of abject proof will deny that this problem is even remotely possible.
> > >
> > > I too was told by my dealer the "I" damaged the tank. It was merely a
> > > coincidence that an independant mechanic noticed the crushed tank had not
> > > exterior marks or scrapes on it.
> > >
> > > I apologize for being overly dramatic, but BMW corporate is treating this
> > > matter no more seriously than if it were a defect in the windshield washer

You can beg all you want. It won't make you right.

All E38 fuel tanks are steel. Steel will implode, plastic won't. Why?
Because the steel tanks use steel thinner than the fenders. The plastic
tanks are 4 or 5 mm thick.

When you say "BMW Corporate" and "BMW has advised ..." you are, of course,
referring to the BMW Customer Service line, via the 1800 number. Well, it
may be strange to you, but the majority of the world's occupants realize
that people who staff such lines know NOTHING about the product they are
defending. That's a fact Jack.


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Alt 28.04.2004, 15:00   #3
Registriert seit: 03.06.2002
Fahrzeug: BMW 750i E38 BJ 1994

Mein Benzintank ist auch implodiert!
BMW 750 E38

Olaf ist offline   Antwort Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 28.04.2004, 15:04   #4
Registriert seit: 03.06.2002
Fahrzeug: BMW 750i E38 BJ 1994

The story is true. I've seen it half a dozen times.

Spiders build a web in the vent line to the vapour separator. The fuel pump
delivers fuel faster than air can make its way into the tank, the tank

As I said earlier, when they went to the plastic tank in the E39, the
problem was the same, the symptom changed. The tanks couldn't implode, so
the pump wiring connector (thankfully outside the tank) would overheat and
lose continuity.

Bitte alle melden die das Problem aich haben oder hatten!

BMW muss handeln!!!!!!
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Alt 28.04.2004, 15:08   #5
Benutzerbild von Franz3250
Registriert seit: 08.08.2002
Ort: Alto Adige
Fahrzeug: S211

Das ist nicht wirklich eine Neuigkeit, weil schon etlichen Forumlern (auch mir) passiert.
Die Tankentlüftung ist auch nicht zu stark, sondern das Gegenteil ist der Fall. Wenn die Entlüftung verstopft, zieht der durch die Benzinpumpe entstehende Unterdruck den Tank zusammen. Mit der Zeit entsteht an der Stelle ein Riss, durch welchen Benzin austritt. Massnahmen: Tank wechseln, Entlüftung reinigen.
Deswegen auf einen Rückruf seitens BMW zu spekulieren, ist reine Illusion. Deswegen werden die keinen Finger krumm machen. Siehe Stellungnahme zum Thema Pixelfehler.
Vergiss die Idee, dass BMW wegen 5-10 Jahre alten Autos diesbezüglich etwas unternimmt.


[Bearbeitet am 28.4.2004 um 15:13 von Franz3250]

Allradantrieb bedeutet, dass man erst dort steckenbleibt, wo der Abschleppwagen nicht hinkommt.
Franz3250 ist offline   Antwort Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 28.04.2004, 15:21   #6
Erfahrenes Mitglied
Registriert seit: 30.07.2003
Ort: Bonn
Fahrzeug: Audi

Original geschrieben von Franz3250
... Siehe Stellungnahme zum Thema Pixelfehler.
[Bearbeitet am 28.4.2004 um 15:13 von Franz3250]
Aha, dazu gibt es also ein offizielles Schreiben von BMW.
Der Text würde mich mal interessieren...

Wer hat was?

Viele Grüße, Henner
Bonner ist offline   Antwort Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 28.04.2004, 15:26   #7
Registriert seit: 03.06.2002
Fahrzeug: BMW 750i E38 BJ 1994

Ich habe das an die nhtsa gesendet

Wir sprechen von einem ersten Problem!
Subject:Imploding fuel tank on BMW E38 e.g. BM750 1995 high danger!
Comments: my fuel tank imploded like these peopele and BMW is REFUSING TO TAKE ACTION maybe they want so see dead people first! I can confirm that the fuel tank is imploding for underpressue and all fuel is going on the street repeated times becuase you refuell a lot to compenate the missing fuel! Please contact BMW imideatley about that issue. BMW needs to recall these cars and fix that imploding fuel tank issue Olaf Boehm This are reports from other people! Von:Allan Schiller ( BetrifftMW 740 GAS TANKS ARE DEADLY!!!!!! View this article only,,,,,,, Datum:2001-07-03 21:37:03 PST Last month my 96 740il gas tank imploded and cracked discharging the contents of the tank onto the street. Yes, its hard to believe, but BMW gas tanks are flimsy enough to resemble crushed soda cans through nothing more than normal operation. After multiple levels of denial BMW corporate has acknowledged that a systemic problem exists with the ventilation system in these tanks and that the combination of any clog in the vent coupled with the pull from the fuel pump will create enough negative pressure to collapse the tank and crack it. As the tank is made out of plastic, it is flexible to a point, but beyond that it will crack and discharge its contents in a steadly and potentially deadly stream of gasoline. DRIVERS BEWARE!!! since the gas streams out of the rear of the car (and potentially in small quantities) you may not even be aware its leaking until someone throws a cigarette butt out their window at your next red light. If you or anyone you know has had their gas tank replaced on their BMW and was told that the tank was damaged due to a foreign object hitting it, (a sidewalk, curb or manhole cover for example) than it is very likely that you have been lied to. BMW has maintained a very low profile in this matter and short of abject proof will deny that this problem is even remotely possible. I too was told by my dealer the "I" damaged the tank. It was merely a coincidence that an independant mechanic noticed the crushed tank had not exterior marks or scrapes on it. I apologize for being overly dramatic, but BMW corporate is treating this matter no more seriously than if it were a defect in the windshield washer resevoir. THEY MUST BE REPAID FOR THEIR AROGANCE. As far as the fuel pump is concerned, there is no question that the 7 series fuel pump could suck a golf ball through a garden hose. I would have certainly expected from so great a car that the fuel; pump would have a fault shutoff safety. BMW's defense to this is based in ecenomics and a lack of bad press. It is truly amazing. Vonrett Anderson ( Betrifft:Re: BMW 740 GAS TANKS ARE DEADLY!!!!!! View this article only Datum:2001-07-06 20:09:59 PST Actually, what I said was the E39 FIVE series has a plastic tank, as do most current models, except the 7 series. No SEVEN series built, to date, has a plastic tank. All replacement tanks for all 7 series, built to date, are steel also. Plastic tanks were never used in any 7 series, past or present, but probably will exist in the next generation of the 7 series, the E65. Remember, plastic is a generic name. A plastic tank is not made out of the same stuff a coke bottle is made from. A coke bottle can implode, a plastic tank would take a much larger vacuum than the pump can supply to implode. The metal tanks, on the other hand, are just plain old sheet metal. They are weaker than your average fender or door. I've seen enough to see what happens, from just beginning to suck in under load, but release when you shut the car off, to fully implode to the point where the customer found the problem when the couldn't get more than a gallon or two of gas in the car. Beitrag 12 aus der Diskussionsgruppe Von:Allan Schiller ( Betrifft:Re: BMW 740 GAS TANKS ARE DEADLY!!!!!! View this article only Datum:2001-07-06 06:58:40 PST When I had the tank inspected it was sucked in on one side with a stress crack along the center seam. Originally my mechanic not realizing the cause of the problem simoly resealed the tank with an epoxy type patch. After one full tank of gas and a days worth of driving the tank cracked again, this time both sides of the tank were compressed. It was only after I had beaten him up for doing a lousy repair that he told me that the cause was from within the tank. He repatched the tank and I drove it to the dealer with the gas cap off. Beitrag 13 aus der Diskussionsgruppe Vonrett Anderson ( Betrifft:Re: BMW 740 GAS TANKS ARE DEADLY!!!!!! View this article only Datum:2001-07-05 21:26:34 PST The story is true. I've seen it half a dozen times. Spiders build a web in the vent line to the vapour separator. The fuel pump delivers fuel faster than air can make its way into the tank, the tank implodes. As I said earlier, when they went to the plastic tank in the E39, the problem was the same, the symptom changed. The tanks couldn't implode, so the pump wiring connector (thankfully outside the tank) would overheat and lose continuity. Beitrag 14 aus der Diskussionsgruppe Von:Allan Schiller ( Betrifft:Re: BMW 740 GAS TANKS ARE DEADLY!!!!!! View this article only Datum:2001-07-06 06:49:46 PST The spider defense is exactly what BMW advised me in my conversations with them. I personally have trouble believing that any spider would tolerate the odor billowing from a gas tank vent line. BMW, while not admitting fault is quietly upgrading vent lines on a need basis. Without further conjecture I would imagine the vent has been widened to prevent even spiders from taking up residence. No less, it is conforting to suddenly hear Brett acknowledge the legitimacy of my tale. I was beginning to doubt myself. Von:Charles V. Stancampiano ( Betrifft:Re: BMW 740 GAS TANKS ARE DEADLY!!!!!! View this article only Datum:2001-07-07 04:21:42 PST Hi, With reference to imploding fuel tanks: The tank on my 1984 733i rusted and was replaced with a used tank a few years back. After the repair, I immediately noticed that the car ran out of gas soon after the low fuel warning came on. Last year it ran out of gas VERY soon after the fuel warning. These days it stops running just BEFORE the light comes on! What is going on? Is my fuel tank slowly collapsing? How can I unclog the dreaded spider infested vent? Should I just get a fuel filler cap with a vent hole in it? Charlie From NHTSA Web Site.
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Alt 28.04.2004, 15:29   #8
Registriert seit: 03.06.2002
Fahrzeug: BMW 750i E38 BJ 1994

ich habe gelesen das es in Japan einen Rückruf gab!

BMW: Rückrufaktion über 56.000 Fahrzeuge

Der Automobilhersteller BMW teilte am Donnerstag mit, daß er im Zuge

einer Rückrufaktion insgesamt 56.583 Fahrzeuge, die in Japan verkauft

wurden, wieder einziehen wird, da diese einen Defekt am Tank aufweisen.

BMW-Sprecher Joachim Herr zufolge betrifft der Defekt 14 Modelle, die

dadurch möglicherweise Sprit verlieren könnten. Explosionsgefahr besteht

jedoch nicht.

Die betroffenen Fahrzeuge wurden zwischen 1994 und 1997 produziert und

benötigen neue Tanks, so BMW.
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Alt 28.04.2004, 15:37   #9
Benutzerbild von Franz3250
Registriert seit: 08.08.2002
Ort: Alto Adige
Fahrzeug: S211
Standard @ Olaf

1. Ich weigere mich, mich hier durch ellenlange, englische Mails zu ackern. Wenn es was zu berichten gibt, dann bitte kurz und auf deutsch.
2. Die von Dir erwähnte Rückrufaktion bezieht sich mit Sicherheit auf ein anderes Problem, da der Tank selber nicht die Ursache ist, sondern die Entlüftung. Dazu gibt es von BMW eine modifizierte Version. Wird diese eingebaut, tritt das Problem gar nicht erst auf.
3. Ein defekter Tank ist zwar ärgerlich, bedeutet aber nun weiss Gott nicht den Weltuntergang, oder?

@ Bonner

Ein offiziellles Schreiben von BMW gibt es meines Wissens nicht, aber etliche berichtete Stellungnahmen von Händlern und Niederlassungen. Grundtenor: Keine Chance auf Garantie.
In einigen Fällen ist wohl €+ eingesprungen.

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Alt 28.04.2004, 15:48   #10
Registriert seit: 03.06.2002
Fahrzeug: BMW 750i E38 BJ 1994

ich habe ein Schreiben von BMW dazu die haben mir den halben Tank bezahlt.

habe eine Mail and das Verbraucherministerium und an die amerikanische Sicherheitsbehörde für Verkehr geschrieben.

Der Benzintank ist ein Sicherheitsrevelantes teil und darf nicht durch einen Konstruktionsfehler kaputtgehen.

Bei dem Rückruf von Japan (welcher von BMW bestritten wird) spielt es keine Rolle ob die Entlüftung oder die Benzinpumpe einen Konstruktionsfehler hat der Tank darf nicht implodieren!
Es darf kein Benzin unkontrolliert austreten.
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